Saturday, June 29, 2013

Weekend Warriors!

Hi guys! Blogger has started making the preview images larger for some reason. I can probably set things back the way they were, but I thought I'd ask you guys for your opinion. XXXSTAR already voiced his approvel for the larger format yesterday. What do the rest of you lot think? Thanks, have a great weekend, and be sure to come back and vote for your favourite cock tomorrow!


  1. Well....bigger IS better, right?
    Tim from MO

  2. I like the larger format.

  3. I prefer the previous format

  4. Prefer the previous format, we can always enlarge a pic on our own, if we want. Thanks for letting us vote

    Now, could hunky dude football player wearing NO# 33 come over my house after he's all sweaty, I want to get that cockhead bigger for him. ah pic # 5:):)

  5. Bigger is better :)

  6. I like the bigger format but I don't want the mens faces cut out of the frame - I prefer to see the face as well as the cock, not to mention the full body.

  7. Hi Karl! You do, of course, know that if you click on the pic, it expands and you get the whole thing, right?

  8. I don't know if this will happen to anyone else, but if you enlarge the last pic, you instantly fall in love with this handsomely rugged dude. Woof, Woff.. Love those hairy legs..and he wears those Aussiebum underwear so damn well.

  9. ...would love to join the men in pics #s 1---4---6---7---9---and---10 and let them 'have their way with me!' ...know it'll be memorable and that I'd bask in many an "afterglow!!!!!!!!!!"
