Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cock of the Blocl Contest!

Good Sunday morning, dudes! After a long hiatus, the CotB Contest is back! That means it's time once again for you all to choose a new cock who will reign supreme over Soliloquies during the week ahead! As you know, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: Please vote only once, and please vote for only one cock. That said, the studs are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. hot hairy and hard. number 5 it is this week

  2. 2 for me...zoom in on that cock and mmmmm it's a nice one!
    Tim from MO

  3. #2 in it's erect perfection of manhood gets my vote! I would just love to see the glorious bush that this delicous meat must ascend from and the plump balls that must hang from it.

  4. I am going with number 5 this week.

  5. SIX for me please. Then one, yours!!!

  6. I pick #6. Love 'em veiny...

  7. #1. Long foreskin that even covers with erection.

  8. The variety this week is overwhelming; the men who have me panting and desiring are: #s 2---3---4---5---6---and---10. Of these six men of the ten, I'm torn between wanting and desiring men #5 and #6. I'll cast my vote for #5, but if another of my fantasies win, I will NOT feel bad at all!

    Damn, hottie #10 is looking down but out out me in all of his glorious and desirous flesh. I'd love to give him a hot tongue bath [both front and back] then have him fuck me royally!

  9. They all look delicious this week. But I'll take

  10. NR TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I'm torn between #2 and #5 this week. Wish I could see more of #2 - his balls and pubes - so I will go with #5 whose assets are all quite visible.

  12. #6 for me this week

  13. Love #5 Koba. 6 is a close second.

  14. Best dick: #4
    Best overall package: #8

  15. I want 567 but, I know the rules... SO
    I VOTE for #7!

    It's that SATRE-CURVE that did it.

  16. nb. 6 good choice

  17. Number 2!

    Please, someone can tell
    where's that scene?
    I have to be and soon!!!

    What a pity!

    Number 2!!! The best! It's perfect

  18. Number Nine for me. How big is that delicious cock when he is erect?????

  19. No pun intended, but this really a hard decision. OK, pun totally intended. Anyway, it's between 1,3,4,5,6 for me...all very nice, but my vote is #5
