Sunday, July 1, 2012

Technical Difficulties...

Hi guys, I hope you are all having a great weekend! And Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! My regular computer is in the shop for some upgrades/maintenance. I'm currently using the old hard drive and it is slower than cold molassas. It took me 20 minutes just to get logged on, so I think uploading pics would be next to impossible. Hopefully, I'll be back in business Wednesday or Thursday. I'll be back posting as soon as I can. Good luck to both Spain and Italia in today's UEFA final!


  1. In the absence of today's contest I have been reviewing some of the old ones, such as Jan 8, 2011, where, incidentally, I was the first to comment. some really fine cock there. lots of foreskin, and just the right amount of fertility aroma (I DO love to smell men's cocks, especially the uncut ones).

  2. We will miss you.
    COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sorry about the computer. I hope it doesn't effect your other parts of your work. See you Wednesday or Thursday.

  4. Look forward to new posts, hope you enjoy the soccer(or is it football to you). My laptop is so old I dread the day it dies. I will probably throw it out the window first anyway.

  5. OK, message taken! Thanks for letting us know!

  6. I got a new computer just over a year ago and already its gone down on me - and no, not in that way either!!!!! I think before too long I shall switch to an I-Pad or something.
    Happy Canada Day anyway!

  7. I vote for number.... Oh!

    Happy Canada Day! See you next week.

  8. Thanks for everything: you make my day. Happy Canada Day to you too, from another Canuk.

  9. Perpetual pc problems here, as well, so capisce. Hurry back, Koba! We miss you!

  10. Hope your computer is up and running soon. It's frustrating not to have it with you, as I know from 2 days without mine last week.
