Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, dudes! Hope you are all having a good weekend thus far! It's time again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will raign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead. I hope you like this week's stable! Give all the studs a good once over and vote for your favourite in the Comments section. Please vote only once and for only one cock. That said, the boyz are ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin and may the best cock win!


  1. It's Number One for me

  2. #3 is the Real Man of the bunch

  3. I vore for number 2. Very NICE looking and HOT Man here.


  4. EIGHT!!! Fucking hot! Easy to pick today and he is outdoors too! Yeh! Let him use me!

  5. Were I voting for the whole man, I'd have to vote for #8 but, as this is a cock contest, I'll go with #1.

  6. By the way: Is #8 Donny Wright? This isn't a vote. I'm just asking.

  7. #4, I know he won't win and rather young...but damn the thinks I'd to with that!

  8. Nr. 8, no doubt!!!

  9. Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine!

  10. Number 9 with 2 as a close 2nd :)

  11. yeah, 9 isa real beaut.

  12. Tough choice this week but I like # 6.

  13. 23 comments have been lodged thus far, and it is 11:11AM in California. I scrolled and scrolled and marveled men #1 #4 #6 #8 #9 and #10. In my enlarging these pics, I concluded that I desire and cast my vote for man #10 to receive this week's coveted award. If he doesn't win--I'd be all right if one of the other five men take the honor.

    VOTE: 10

    This week's grouping was indeed hot; I'd like to spend a lot of "fun and play time" with those 9 men--excluding #5.

  14. I vote for 8, but 7 has quite a delicious looking 4skin!

  15. #10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Very difficult choice this week... most of them are more than good for me...

    I will select the number 9...

    Great body, chest, nipples, torso and his cock is ready and waiting for me... to get into action!!!

  17. As soon as i saw no2 i thought i was ready to cast my vote. The geeky nerdy innocence coupled with a impressive cock...... But then i hit no 9 a cheeky grin was a good start. Girth however coupled to that head made him the winner.

    No. 9 gets the vote this week

  18. love #2 and #4 but when I got to #8 i melted...#8 plz

  19. #4 for me, that kid is cute and nicely built, and his big beautiful prick is a national treasure. I like his look, too, it's like, "Hey, cocksucker, what're you waiting for?"

  20. Looks like Donny Wright (#8) has it locked up, but I'm voting #4. Young, blonde, long, and hard. Just what I like in a quick anonymous fuck once in a while. And for you all that don't follow porn stars, shame on you, #9 is Russian porn star Valentin Petrov. If you haven't seen him in action, find one of his videos and check him out. He is one hot fuck!

  21. #9. I love a cock which knows the way ahead and does not hesitate. Looks like its owner is rather pleased with its strong personality too. And so are we!

  22. Easy one this week! Full nut sack, uncut, dusky color, and full cock pelt...#8

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. number 4 - makes my mouth water!

  25. #6. Pulling that foreskin back and feeling him explode down my throat sounds....delicious!

  26. I know I'm late to the vote and it's been declared, but I vote for #4.
