Monday, January 9, 2012

And the winner is...

... with 17 votes in all, Cock No. 2 rules the day (and the week)! Second place goes to Cock No. 1 with 13 votes, and 3rd place is filled by Cock No. 8 who received 9 votes in all. This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 6, who did not receive a single vote!?

And I agree, there were far too many anonymous votes cast this week. It's hard to believe that some did not vote multiple times. I've begged and pleaded with you all in the past to please register an ID with Google (or Yahoo), and I will beg and plead one more time. Next week's vote MAY be restricted to only those with a registered ID.

Congrats to the winner and many thanks to all those who participated - fairly! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with signing in with a registered name, too many can vote multiple times otherwise.

  3. i get the complaints. i'm not going to sign in or up for anything so I will likely be out of the voting. I will still watch. FYI - about 25 or 26 votes would have been counted. If a few more people sign up then maybe 30-40 each week. That seems to be enough. I would rather see an honest vote and not be able to participate than the other way around.

  4. I've never been displeased with the winner, but this one has me with that feeling. How did he win? Although his dick is beautiful, he is one of the men in this week's lot who did not "rock or float my boat" so to speak!

    Well, I will NOT be a sore loser. CONGRATS, man!

  5. In terms of voting, I've always contended that only sign in by a name should be permitted to cast a vote.

    This should make the voting here much more valid/legit!

  6. I don't want this to get political or contentious. You started this as a fun event and I would love it to continue as such. It's brought me a lot of pleasure over the time that you have run this contest. I wonder if voters who are leery about signing up for a Google Identity realize that they DON'T have to use their real names?

  7. Harry, I agree. You can use what ever name you choose. And axiom, you are correct as well. #2 was clearly not the best of the bunch this week.
