Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More Reader Pics!

Hey dudes! Hope all of your ramifications have been good today! I've got another hot reader submission for your visual enjoyment! Dude is 50 and is Greek-American. He's in terrific shape, I must say! I mean, look at those calves, those thighs! Not to mention that beautiful uncut cock and plump balls! It's the whole package, dudes! Thanks very much, my friend, for sending these in and by all means, don't hesitate to shoot a few more our way!

As always, please show your appreciation in the comments section and send in your very own hot pics to KOBAPHOTOS@GMAIL.COM


  1. WOOF on this Man all the way down. I would love to see more pictures of this HOT HUNK of a Man.


  2. WOW! This guys proves 50 is the new 40!
