Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, dudes! Hope you all are having a good weekend thus far! It's time to pick a brand new cock who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week to come! You know the very simple rules: Please vote only once and please vote for only one cock. That's the only way for the competition to be fair, and it's only fun if it's fair! If you can, take a minute and get a Google ID. That said, the boyz are ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. number 6 for me!

    although, the whole slate would be fun for a gangbaang!

    great choices this week!

  2. Number 8 does it for me

  3. 3, 5, and 6th. Mostly number 3.


  4. All of them hahaha. For me #1.

  5. #1 with a great looking body too!

  6. I almost always go for uncut, but I love dusky brown/purple colored cock too. So, I'm going to compromise and vote for #1 this week. Damn, I would love to have seen this horse cock before the foreskin was cut off!

  7. #1 no question! And those big brown nips...

  8. Before I cast my vote, might I implore you to accept my suggestion of having the guys vote with a name instead of anonymous! I scrolled and took a tally and you can detect what I noted without my writing it!

    Months back I suggested that you list the winner along with the 2nd and the 3rd runner-up; you honored the suggestion and I appreciated it; in fact I liked reading on Mondays who took 1st 2nd and 3rd along with your choice!

    So instead of my listing my vote here, I'll use another space!

    Again, please consider! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like your blog to which I go to daily!!!!!!

  9. Your blog opened and out appeared rather conspicuously is that beautiful black man's dick of number 1. I proceeded to scroll and liked #3 #5 #6 #7 #9 and #10. Each of the above men have decided to make an appointment to see me during the next seven days for an all-out fuck fest 1-1.

    But in keeping with this thread today, I will cast my vote for NUMBER ONE!!!!!

  10. I like 1 and 6 but with that body and those nipples i will go with number 1.

    [NOTE] - I know you hate the anonymous thing but I just don't want to sign up for anything else...I'm sorry. Your site is the only site I look at these days. Thx for doing such a great job.

  11. #9 is the one for me!

  12. Tough choice between #1 and #9 this week but I'm voting for #1.

  13. I like when I opened the website, BANG! #1 just stuck out very nice! #1 for me!! As for the account thing, This is one less thing I want to be know for. Sorry if this pisses lots of you off. But I do play by the rules and only vote once.

  14. #68. The guy with the skimpy shorts open. Nice, natural bush. Other cocks look mightier, but this guy's has a brashness about it that's compelling to me.

    - Big Bi at Big Bi's Kokhaus

  15. Wow. They are all pretty delicious. However, #1 does it for me the most.

  16. Mmmm... my number ONE this week is the number 1!!!! DE-LI-CIOUS....

    P.S.: Number 4 and 6... wait your turn... I will be there as soon as possible... and WTF is doing John Malkovich on pic 7??? ((LOL))))

  17. it was very difficult to choose between number 1 and number 3; but...I will say this time that number 1 is the cock I will live for, so my vote is to number 1...

  18. aime le numéro "six"

  19. I`m sure 9 just OK!!!

  20. Black cocks usually don't turn me on but today #1 and #4 look pretty damn tempting. I would love to wrap my lips around their cocks and then ride them. I'd be in heaven if they spit roasted me!

    But since I can only vote for one, I'll vote for #1!

  21. I am voting for #1 today because I think he deserves it but I am starting to agree with the "Anonymous" complaint. I think that the voting appears a little lop-sided lately. I use to be on the other side of this arguement, but I am flip-flopping on the controvery.
    ""Does that make me a Republican candidate for President?""

  22. #4
    Those balls look like they could deliver a lot of protein.

  23. # 3 good choice for me...

  24. that guy in the blue shirt, OBVIOUSLY!!!!
