Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cock of the Block Contest!

Hey dudes! Hope you are all having a great weekend! Sorry for the late posting today, but better late than never, eh! I've got a pretty good line up for you today, so let's get right to it. You know the rules: Please vote only once and for only one Cock. That said, the studs are ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. #2 is my pick this week

  2. I like #2 and #7 this week. They're not the biggest cocks in the bunch but they're awfully pretty. Since I can only have one, I'll vote for #2.

  3. 2 most definitely! Hes very popular already!

  4. Torn between 1 and 8.

    ... Ok, I think 1 just edges it. #1 it is :)

  5. #2 anyway he wants me to have it!

  6. Number 4. And I'm not into foreskin, but this looks delicious.

  7. Can't believe noone has voted for number 6 yet!

    Thick, veiny AND the dude looks to be pretty me somethin to grab onto to pull him in deeper! a side note...I think number 10 is a sport celebrity in the UK. Rugby if I'm not mistaken.

  8. Though I adore the length of the last guy, #2 with his sweet cock poking straight up has to be the best for me in this round!

    - Big Bi at Big Bi's Kokhaus

  9. #2 - any way he wants it and as many times


  10. Looks like #2 is winning hands down, but #3 is my pick. He can come over to my place and stick it anywhere he'd like to. (He can bring #2 with him if he'd like!)

  11. I'm giving my vote to #9.

    Looks like #2 wins hands down though.

  12. Mitch in Orange County, CAOctober 16, 2011 at 9:08 PM

    No hesitation. #2 it is for me.

  13. As difficult as it is, my vote goes to number 8, I just love it. But any of the 10 dicks deserve the crown...

  14. aimes le numéro: 4

  15. The contest may be over, with victory to #2 and his gorgeous bod,(and remarkable treasure trail), but I'm still gonna vote for #6, with that delectable tight foreskin and impressive size.

    Even so, all ten may spit roast me in relays all day long.

  16. "It makes no difference If you are black or white..." Madonna´s "VOGUE"

    So, I will choose number 5 and 10!!

    My first choice: number 5... amazing hot black stud...

    P.S.: Number 10?? You just wait a bit... or "come on join the party, yeah..."

  17. it'll have to be the top one!!!!

  18. They all have awesome cocks! I hate having to decide on one only! My choice is #2. I would also love to see number 8 get harder as well!

  19. #2.
    Love that guy's body!
