Good Sunday morning dudes! Hope you are all having a good weekend! It's time once again to pick another cock to reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead. The rules are very simple: please vote only once and please vote for only one cock! That said, the studs are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!
The most difficult election ever!!! all are just dick heaven. My vote goes to number 9, but...I m sorry I have to say that number 8 is a very close contender...
I'll go with first impressions - #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of that hairy, uncut goodness is hard to pass up. The hairy, cut partner between my own legs agrees too!!!
I'm going with #3 this week though I wish he had more pubes (like #1). This is, however, a cock contest, not a pubes contest, and #3 has the cock I would most like to swallow.
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at
number "ONE" for me
#9. Looks like a day's worth of nutrients there.....
number 9 for me
# 3
ONE please !!!
#8, #8, #8!
#8 is my vote!
#4. #9 has a far too tight foreskin.
#1. #9 is also good.
As gorgeous as #4 is (althought I suspect that monster cock is photo-enlarged), I have to vote for dark-skinned, hairy, rampant #9!
I like #3! That belt does it for me! LOL
The most difficult election ever!!! all are just dick heaven. My vote goes to number 9, but...I m sorry I have to say that number 8 is a very close contender...
My vote for 9
they're all hot, but I particularly love the top pic! Great bush, hot angle, fantastic dick! the whole package
# 1
vote: 3
I shall vote 3...he is perfect!
aime le pic: 1
# 5
NINE !!!
I'll go with first impressions - #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of that hairy, uncut goodness is hard to pass up. The hairy, cut partner between my own legs agrees too!!!
has to be #6 for me
Hi everybody!
1, 3 ,4 and 6 need my help and assistance, obviously!!! Mmmmm...
My choice: let´s see...
Number 3 is my choice this week...
P.S.: The others... just wait a bit, please! ;o) xxxx
I'm with Stan - 6!
# 8 big tool
Clearly, not a loser in the bunch. If I could swap mine for one of these, I'd sitting here flogging # 9.
my choice this week: 8
no: 3 for me ....
1, 2 or 3? 1, 2 or 3?
I'm going with #3 this week though I wish he had more pubes (like #1). This is, however, a cock contest, not a pubes contest, and #3 has the cock I would most like to swallow.
I am in love with all of them so it is very hard to choose one. No 5 and No 6 are the same penis and my vote goes there. Beautiful!
# 8
# 9
I will have to go with #3 (8 is a very close call)
# 10 hot hot hot!!!
#6 for sure
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