Monday, September 19, 2011

And the Winner is....

... Cock No. 4 by quite a high margin this time! Cock 4 garnered 13 votes in total. Cock 5 holds down second place with 6 votes and Cock No. 2 rounds out 3rd place with 4 votes overall. This week's Koba' s Choice Award goes to Cock No. 9 (momma mia!)! Congrats to the winner and many thanks to all those who participated!


  1. Koba, in yesterday's gallery, Nos. 6 and 9, on my computer, looked like black rectangles framing white ovals with minus signs inside. No. 4 was there in all his glory. Strangely, HIS picture, today, announcing him the winner, has ALSO become a black rectangle framing a white oval with a minus sign inside. Something seems to be going haywire.

  2. Ralph its happening to almost all our blogs its not your computer i think its a blogger issue but no one really knows. Fingers crossed blogger takes care of it soon

  3. I´ve been experiencing the exact same problem så Blogger is having some kind of an issue here. No clue though.

  4. Yesterday I saw all of the pics on display. This sucks!

  5. and the winner is, a black pick with a circle! awesome...
