Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More Reader Pics!

Hey dudes! Hope all of your ramifications have been good today! I've got another hot reader submission for your viewing pleasure! Dude is 46 and is a fellow Canadian! About time we showcased another Cannuk on here! As you can see, dude is in great shape, has great legs, a super bush, a very tasty-looking cut cock, and a nice pair of fuzzy balls! Sexy indeed! Thanks man for sending these in and don't hesitate to shoot a few more our way!

As always, please show your appreciation in the Comments section and send in your very own hot pics to KOBAPHOTOS@GMAIL.COM


  1. I was going to say his dick looks familiar, but I guess not! but it is very hot and I love his bush!!

  2. YUMMMMM and WOOF at the same time. Please tell him I would love more pictures of him. Very HOT Man parts here.

