Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday Morning dudes! I hope you are all safe, and well, and dry, and not without power because of Irene! Since it is Sunday morning, it's time for another Cock of the Block Contest to determine which cock will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead. You all know the drill by now: Please vote only once and please vote for only one cock. That said, the studs are all eady, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win!


  1. Number 9...that is a total package kind of guy right there!

  2. Tough one between #5 and #8 but think I'll go with #8. His balls look like they're full of hot man-milk.

  3. #9 ay oma que rico

  4. #9 Nice total package

  5. 9 for me!!! Hot, hot, hot!!!!
    James F.

  6. If it was for 'total man' I'd take furry & olive skinned #1. Since it's supposed to be JUST cock, it has to be #9! Big uncut, veiny slab, teasingly held away from my hungry mouth!

  7. tough call between 2 and 9...#9 please.

  8. It seems a fairer way of conducting this would be to have a select panel of judges to take part in a taste test and make recommendations to the other bloggers. I nominate myself to the judging panel.

    Until then, #4 please. Could this one please be part of the taste test judged group?


  9. They are all so nice! But I like #9's attitude!

  10. #4 is so perfect, so simple, so hot!

  11. #3, no #4, no #8, no #9. I guess I'll go with #8. I think he could scratch the itch and reach the places I'd like to have stroked. Today's selections are all worthy.

  12. # 6. Even soft it's massive!

  13. This group is fucking awesome. All of them.
    Hard to pic.

  14. Wow x 100!! Today I almost want to enjoy a bit of each one of them... well more than a bit... Mmmmm...

    I will choose the number 8...

    I think It is ready for me and a very very veeeery hot action!

    Number 8....

  15. All nice choices to drool over!!! I would have to give my vote to #9-That dude has a sweet package.

  16. I'm very impressed with what's revealed in pics #8 #9 and #10 but will cast my vote for NUMBER EIGHT!!!!

  17. Beginning next month or when you're able to-- please require A NAME for all voters! That way you'd be able to get a truer picture as to whom has voted for whom!

    You developed to list number 2 and number 3 after I suggested it a while ago, and I thank you for this! It makes for a hotter and more interesting tally!

    I'm looking at #10's hot cock and want to suck on it and get the just desserts in the end--sweet from pineapple juice!!

  18. I'm willing to be a judge on a panel of ten hungry men!

  19. I too like all of them!! But tonight my vote is for No.5. Thank you!

  20. I'm go in the nasty lane for today. I want to have the furry huby #1...
    Gosh... i really want that...
