Monday, August 1, 2011

And the Winner is....

... With 12 votes in total, Cock No. 7 wins the title! Good choice dudes! No. 1 places a close second with 9 votes overall, and No. 2 rounds out 3rd place with 7 votes! Nice to see some new names this week! Thanks guys! This week's Koba's Choice Award also goes to Cock No. 7! Congrats to the winner and many thanks to all those who participated!


  1. Yes, indeed, this is a very, very "NICE ONE" that I'd like to worship in many and sundry ways!!!!!

  2. I didn't get to vote yesterday because I was out of town. All of these men "have it goin' on;' thus it would have been quite difficult for me to have cast a valid vote just for one!!!!!!
