Monday, April 11, 2011

And the Winner is....

Wow, a very competitive contest this time round, but No. 1 comes out the winner with 16 votes in all. He's followed by No. 8, who received 14 votes and by No. 10 in 3rd place with 13 votes. This week's Koba Choice Award goes to No. 9 - lean, hairy, and uncut, too, I think, but he didn't receive a single vote... Congrats to the winnner and many thanks to all those who participated!


  1. Koba, look again at the votes. Rick from Torn Jeans voted for your guy, #9, so you were not entirely alone in your choice.

  2. Holy cow! You got over 60 comments yesterday! That's gotta be a record for here.

  3. Although all ten men this week were indeed hot to me, I was almost ready to cast my vote for #1, but another raging hottie, #10 received it!

    I'm pleased with the outcome, though! CONGRATULATIONS, Number 1, you hot, virile stud!!

  4. Right you are are, Anon! Sorry to have missed that! Rick has good taste! :)

  5. When he pushed my head all the way down to his balls I totally gagged and choked, raising great gobs of spit. It was scary but damn well worth it!
