Monday, February 14, 2011

And the Winner is....

No. 4, with 16 votes in total! Good choice, dudes! Thick and veiny and uncut with a bit of ball showing too! In second place we have No. 2, who garnered 13 votes, and No. 7 picks up 3rd spot with 12 votes. Nos. 1 and 3 tied for fourth position, each picking up 11 votes. The Koba's Choice Award this week goes to No. 3. Congrats to the winner and many thanks to all those who participated!


  1. Congratulations to this hottie! He received my vote, and please let him know that both of my holes are awaiting what's hanging here!

  2. This week the men went all out and voted. Hope this happens during the subsequent Sundays that are left!
    Thanks Koba and thanks to the men who cast their votes in this week's contest!
