Monday, December 27, 2010

And the Winner is....

With 30 votes in total, Cock No. 3! Tied for second place are Nos. 6 & 9, each with 8 votes. Congrats to the winner and thanks to all those who participated! (I really hope each person voted just once!) This weeek's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 8 - once again someone who did not receive a single vote!! :)


  1. Koba, I was being fucked all day on Sunday -- and I mean ALL day -- so I didn't get a chance to vote, but, like you, I would have voted for #8, because he looks just like the guy I was with.

  2. sorry, I didn't finish typing my name

  3. Since I was at my relatives for the holidays--I did not have the opportunity to view and vote, but if I had my druthers-- I'd take all ten men up my ass in one hell of a hot gang bang as well as sucking them off until "the last drop!"

    All of this prime meat this week is for the wanting. Perhaps it worked for me in the long run!

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