Monday, December 20, 2010

And the Winner is....

May I have a drum roll please! This week's winner is No. 9 with that big uncut cock and low-hanging balls! He was closely followed by No. 1 (19 votes) and by No. 10 (18 votes), so this was a pretty close 3-way race. (Love to see these 3 in a steamy 3-way, eh!) The Koba's Choice Award this week goes to contestant No. 1!) Congrats to the winner and to all of you who participated!


  1. It always gives me a real feeling of satisfaction, when my choice is also the recipient of The Koba's Choice Award. That's usally better than picking the actual winner of that day's contest.

  2. I must have been blinded when I viewed the pics. Number #9 didn't fall into the scheme of things with me.

    He's soft here (and looking tempting)--perhaps he's a "great grower!"

  3. Thanks Ralph! You've got great taste! ;)

  4. I'd love for #9 balls to be banging off of my chin.....
