Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cock of the Block Contest!

Happy Sunday dudes! Hope you've all been having a good weekend. It's time for another rousing Cock of the Block contest here on Soliloquies. You know the drill - give all of the contestants a good once over and then vote for your favourite in the Comments section. Please vote for just one! With that said, here are the dudes for October 17! Let the voting begin and may the best cock win!


  1. Thanks for all of these, but I want Number 6

  2. #2...nice and hairy, as well as hung!

  3. DAMN, you are forever titillating me every Sunday by getting me worked up from your display of hot and seemingly willing and waiting men who desire to satisfy me by having me devour them orally until they've been drained of every drop of that "sacred nectar." Once this has been done and they've rested-- they eagerly stand in line and await their turn to plow me into oblivion!

    Most of the ten men this week could very easily do this, but of them-- the one who has a handsome face and hot lips and rather good body is man #3. He gets my vote! I want him!

  4. #3!! I like a cock I can put a face to!

  5. Hello's a tie for me; number 3 and number 9. I'll b ehappy with both of them!

  6. NUMBER 3 !!!!!!!
    was not easy to pick but will take him
    second choice was the last one as he is outdoors!

  7. Number 1, for sure! Impale-o-rama!

  8. I'll take #3 (down my THROAT)

  9. number 3 near perfection.

  10. i would have said 9 but i know its too late now :(

  11. I know he did not win.......... but #1 ----- I'll take an uncut black cock over anything!!!!!
