Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cock of the Block Contest

Another Sunday dudes, and that means it's time for another Cock of the Block contest! You have some very hard choices to make this week. Pick your fave and vote for him in the comments section, and may the best cock with!


  1. number 9 ...all day and all night!

  2. Yippy not usually on on Sundays to get to vote my today i am! Number 8 all the way!

  3. Thumbs way up for #8!

  4. Black cock, number one

  5. This week's decision is hard!
    I'll take #3

  6. Five, my tounge could have a field day with that foreskin.

  7. Some of these dicks are just two damn big! They could do serious damage! Number 3 is just perfect for me in terms of size, shape, natural beauty and suckability.

  8. Thanks for a lot of these pictures today. For Cock of the Block, I found it difficult to choose between 5,7, or 10. Finally settled on Number 10, because besides the delicious cock, the balls look tasty too.

  9. Lots of great cocks. For cock alone, #5 is it for me. For the whole package, it has to be that cutie Dean Coulter (#6).

  10. Some great choices this time, I could devour all of them, but # 1 would be my fave.

  11. I'm a total size queen and can deep-throat almost any length without gagging (it's a special talent I have), but I have to judge these amazing penises on the basis of which one, all factors considered, I'd most like to suck. And the Oscar goes to . . . .#3

  12. I'd be willing to go down on # 6 anytime, anywhere, even Times Square at noon.

  13. it's difficult well n.3

  14. Once again you have outdone yourself in presenting some gorgeously well-hung men! Numbers 1 and 2 I classify as two very beautiful long dongs, followed by the very succulent looking and perhaps tasting number 3, but if I have to choose from amongst these beauties which I'd love to suck and feel in my tight ass, I choose #8.

  15. What a lovely, darling beaker bulb's here burst, so luscious in its gushes they seem virtually rehearsed.

  16. No. 6 any day gets my vote.

  17. What a gloriously slove pith this 5th penis bears to our suck, a treasurepod of succulence to soothe in its suave swell. But the second penis, childlike in its clarifying shave, suspends to gather garglings of our throat, the glottis gladdened gagsomely to keep its knob afloat. But 7th is the dick for voting quick, no hanging chad or bashful lad, this fair and canted pousse-caffé of coral tiers of cock.
