Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hump Day Humdingers


  1. Love the first one. The guy has his mouth open on that others guy's crotch. I would lhave love to seen what happen in the locker room there.

  2. LMAO omg that first one is really fuckin awesome!

  3. The referee should have called foul on that move! LOL!

  4. I'm no fan of that uncut cock, though!!! Horrid! That's what I envy all Americans for - the multitude of circumcised dicks that are at your fingertips, which you rarely come across in Europe: Everybody's has a goddam bloody hood (lol) which is repulsive (to me, anyway!).

  5. Oh boy... I'd beter not even get started about what I think of circumcision... Horrid would be a start, though, I guess.

    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one Red-Hot-Chilli! :(

  6. I like uncut as well as cut "meat!" Neither is "horrid" to me, as both have advantages as well as disadvantages.

    But give me a long and thick hard bone anytime, and I'll in ecstacy!!!

  7. Don't get me wrong, Anon. I love cut meat, too! It's the practice of neo-natal circumcision that I find reprehensible.

    Thankfully, it's hardly ever done in Canada anymore and increasingly less so even in the U.S. :)

  8. Give me a normal hooded, veined, masterpiece any day. A cut, tight skinned, acorn on a stick: Horrid. Leave them intact at birth and let the owner decide on mutilation as an adult.
