Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Uncut Goodness (with one or two exceptions)


  1. ill take any cock but uncut is always a nice treat :)

  2. Koba,
    A great big welcome back from vacation! I hope you had an outrageously good time, doing things you couldn't possibly admit to. We missed you soooooo much!

    Not only is it good to have you back and in action on our behalf, but you opened the new season with all these gorgeous foreskins. Ohhhh yesssssssss!

    Which to begin with? We-l-l-l, I think #4 for main course and #9 for dessert (to hell with all the calories/cholesterol or whatever thick creamy cum contains) .

    Yum Yum Yum (May I have another napkin?)

  3. Mhm D`Macho`s pic is fantaulous!But so are the rest of them too.

  4. I knew you'd dig No. 9 Rocco! :)

  5. hey, that big beautiful WHITE dick hanging of the jeans on that guy two from the end is a honey too! yum!
