Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Reader Pic!

Dudes! One of our most popular submitters to date has sent in another contribution! I think he likes to tease us, sending in just one pic at a time, but what another nice one it is! Lying back on a sofa with a big hard-on, hand at the base of his cock, big balls beckoning below, and the dark hair furrowed between his ass cheeks begging for further exploration! I don't know about you all, but I wish I was that other dude there on the sofa whose jean-clad leg we get a peek of!

Many thanks to our submitter, and I hope we get teased some more, dude!

Post some shouts outs in the comments section and, you know the drill - send in your own hot pics to KOBAPHOTOS@GMAIL.COM

1 comment:

  1. Tell him thank you fo rthat GREAT looking picture. Would l love to see more.
