Sunday, June 14, 2009

More Reader Pics!

I've got a new Reader Submission for you dudes! JetMan is Back! If memory serves, he was my first submitter of 2009! He's sent me a few more quality pics of his beautiful cut cock! Dude is 25 years old and is from the U.S. of A. He's got a nice blond bush and lickable fuzzy balls! And he's teasing us this time with a bit of spit on that rocket-like cockhead! Nice touch, JetMan! The boyz and I would sure love to see a cumshot, though! ;)

Show your appreciation in the comments section, guys, and as always, send in your own hot submission for me to post here, too! KOBAPHOTOS@GMAIL.COM


  1. hey man, thanks for posting me! Yeah, I'd love to send you a cumshot pic or 2, but it's difficult for me to time the camera just as I'm shooting. I will work on it though!!


  2. Love it. Love how everything is wet and messy. wonder is that spit for lube. nice dick full of red hair.

  3. Nice, eh Ray!

    JetMan: You'll have to get a friend to take a few pics, or just take a pic or two of the results, not necessarily an "action shot"! :)

  4. Does anyone wanna cum over and help me out with that?? ;)


  5. Thanks Anon! You rock! We'll hafta work something out, hehe ;)


  6. jet Man I can help out as well.

  7. yum!! Thanks Ray, you me and anon will hafta work out some sort of 3-way plan!! mmmmmmmm :)

