Monday, January 5, 2009

Jase has moved

Yeah. It's true dudes! Our boy Jase of Rough Dudes fame has move to a new space on the internets. You can now find our hot and sexy otter over at Jase He was one of my very first Reader Pic guys, and what a posterboy he was! Here's a reminder with some new pics Jase just sent me!

You can pull those jeans down further than THAT!

Okay. Now come over here and MAKE me bend over!

The goods

The Jackpot

Pay dirt!

All the best, Jase, at your new digs!


  1. Who does not, himself, feel this luscious penispith to be plushly overqualified for mere suck, where anus leaps so spontaneously to exploit its generous flare to lock its comely bulk in treasuring fuck? Is this destiny for this dick not movingly inscribed for itself by its alluringly sculpted brim? Does not the refinement of the tool speak movingly to us all, of its intended task? And has not the shearing of this innocent dome not pressed its case for the empathy of our clasp with the most urgent clarity? My lords: I move we snaffle this penis instantly up our slot, and contemplate its future under the relative calm of its soothing influence.

  2. Any idea where Jase has disappeared to?

  3. Any idea where Jase has disappeared to?

  4. Hey Stone, I'm still around. :-)
