Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cocky boyz


  1. Nice warm days to be out with your boys. hot pictures.

  2. I need something to keep me warm these days... It's really ccccold outside!

  3. Kind of you to recall Vitaly's lusciously shrouded pith to conclude this moving suite on penisvirtue. How well we can empathise with the sleeve's reluctance to release its pithly ward, is measured in each irreversible cm of transit of its descent upon the sculpted hilt. But still the sumptuous shaft extends its swollen promise to our gaze, as contemplation animates suspense with how it plays. Shall we gobble so much of this globe as has already been confided, or shall we lap the upper face of the great, veinwondrous span for the setting's salty spray to prefigure our treasure's native feast? What to do, what to do. It's an occasion calling for the sagacity of TH.

    Seldom, however, has the North Sea played more nobly its part of recalling the tidal inevitabilities of our cockful suck, so this was a fine diptych for the whole suite. Nicely done.
