Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mmm, Mmm, Good


  1. Quite emphatic acceptance of Fabio's cock (from the Varsity Men portrait), lackadaisical as other elements may be. Actually, he takes us back to those images of the pre-conditioning phase of male consciousness, ca the 1970s, when cock was sovereign. Not an insensible disposition to adopt, now that one thinks of it.

    Be that as it may, it boggles the imagination that Titan, which is so heavily invested in the prestige of anus, should propagate a 'still' from one of its projects which shows 2 males in contentious distraction of dick, to the immaculate disregard of this movingly perfected ass offer. I mean, what accountant supervised that shoot, to squander the slot of sliding's finest hour, upon a misdirected combat of these mouths?

    Kind of you to warn us of this reel.


  2. very hot set of pics love uncut OINK!
