Thursday, November 20, 2008



Y said...

Pretty low hangers in the last pic:)

Anonymous said...

We are so accustomed to portraits of the great dome's accommodation of two supplicants, that it is charming at last to see this gesture provoking a kind of rivalry for its solace. Our gender has such a knack for sportsmanlike competitions, that undoubtedly a happy consolation can be found for the runner-up; and who can doubt, where tongues vie for favour, it will be forthcoming?

But again TH is right. This immortal accident of insight from a dull studio exhibits the symmetries of male magnificence with graphic proof of their inherent empathy. I do not refer to the limbs, which even the other gender possesses (come to think of it). Rather, these two pairs of stunning orbs plainly have a great deal more than mere proximity to commend their rapport, to our everlasting celebration. Still, that convenience is not to be discounted.


Koba said...

That's one of my faves, too, Eddie!

Anonymous said...

Remind me of how this goes: is it that the sovereign nipples command us to hoist anus to the fuckthing flared below, or is it redolent vascularity which stirs our gaze for a siphon?