Wednesday, November 5, 2008



  1. Oh I`m impressed by Beckham`s dignity:)))

  2. LOL... He IS supposed to have a huge one, but this is, of course, a doctored pic! ;-)

  3. The Adidas promotion, too, seems implausible; but what it says about our respect for cock, and our aspiration for its delivery via vigorous jockbodies, is quite authentic. Here the plush dome's genius for demolition and healing in the same stroke, the shaft's for excavation and celebration, and the balls' for inspiration, sustenance and unimaginable generosity, are associated with an idealised delivery system which, I hazard to guess, no male would disdain. How natural, then, to hoist lubricious anus to embrace the nourishing destiny of this penis, and wring from its aforementioned qualities those empathies for our own cock which precipitate its triumph in extravagant spew.
