Friday, September 26, 2008

Top Notch


  1. The masturbation in the window "reads" as a complete enactment of the cycle of pleasure our ass can anticipate hosting, an instructive and constructive exhibition of our top's cock cycle from ease to redundantly eruptive ejaculations of devastatingly lavish slime. The next phase will be his readying of our male fuckhole for the assimilation of this impending nourishment. Here, the knowing hand will guide us toward the requisite fluency in radii and depths of clasp, appetite and pleasing response, doubtless eliciting from us much the same dénouement of his first demonstration, as our raptureprong explodes in radiant gratitude. The third phase will bring these features together in exploratory and probitive diligence, portraying their acquired affinity and sympathy, in which the burst of flaring penisdomes will lend assurance that our expectations were not mislaid. In the fourth phase, then, an exuberance can take the place of methodicalness, and vindicate to the spitting satisfaction of our ravaged cocks a parity of stomping penistriumph such as pops the very points upon our padded pex. So this will have been a wank of wise precaution, after all.

  2. I have had the hots for the second guy for soooooo long, long before I discovered this blog.
