Friday, August 22, 2008



  1. wonderfully beautiful penises, not to be redundant: penises beautifully celebrated, and not least in the two motorcycle portraits. The first, a Titan 'post' of redoubtable radius and romanesque lavishness of dome, hosts face in a treasuring which we can only hope leads to the Björn solution, in which a truly stunning array of pec and sympathetic bicep sets the stage for the most energetic and ravishing extraction of penisvirtue.

  2. Who has not, himself, drawn comfort from suction of his own knob, despite an occasional maladroitness such as we find in the "Command Post" excerpt? In truth we have all met more than a match for our mouth in peniscraving pastimes, and yet adoration seems to impart its warmth clearly enough. And this is a fine expanse of penispith, meriting the valiant effort we see here.
