Friday, August 29, 2008

In the Mood


  1. How perfectly Adamos’ poignant anus conjures compression of our penisdome with purest promise of extrusion! This wondrous warmth of assful welcome, inherently irresistible to the shaft of pleading cock in every inch of its reach; this breach of soothing bliss, as astounding in its suppleness as in its frenzied clench and wringing wrathless ravagings of dick, is as tactile in its poise as the tug of precious sheath, the tap of famished nipple, the flail of twanging dick and press of balls that precede it in our scan. Ignoring that the model is one of our great exponents of penis and nipple, as beloved for his archery portraits as his prone ones in the sand, this is a great study of penis-hosting beauty and the certain succouring of cock as we know it. If the anxious prong of praise could be soothed any more perfectly, don’t you suppose we’d have heard of it by now?

    Kiss, then, the precious port of grace: lap its treasured cincture and the perineal isthmus to its balls, and trace indeed internally its perfect path to the sequestered headwaters of penis, itself. Liquefy the lushness of its flex and stir the soul of cocking to its roots, eliciting sweet suctions of the tongue. Marvel at the maleness of the maw, and steep the senses senseless in the incense of pure fuck. Eat face with bartered tongues of penis thirst, and press the sumptuous seal to gain its depth. This is a guy!

  2. You've inspired me, Anon!:

    Oh what fortunate design of man and cotton have colluded to bring thee hence - wrapping beauty's bottom? Unblemished purity in white encircling the very shaft of life and musky orbs of maleness. Being at once both protective and provocative. Encasing and highlighting the taughtness within. Masking the seductive dark curls and tender skin. Daring us to touch, to lick, to taste. Oh for just one wiff!
