This edition, of course, works the same way as our regular Cock of the Block contest: Give all of the contestants a very good once over and then vote for your favourite in the Comments section. And please, please, please vote for just one! I know it's hard (so to speak), but in this edition in particular, I want every vote to count.
I will try to recall where each contestant is from will put the country at the top of their pic. If I make a mistake with yours, please send me an e-mail and I will correct it.
That said, the polling booth is now open and - as always - may the best cock win! (Though these dudes are ALL winners in my books!)
No. 1 USA - Pacific Northwest

No. 2 Pakistan

No. 3 Australia

No. 4 Canada

No. 5 Brazil
No. 6 Canada (I think)

No. 7 USA

No. 8 Mexico

No. 9 USA

No. 10 UK

No. 11 USA (I think)