Hey dudes, Wassup? Made it back safe and sound from New York. Had a GREAT time. They had been calling for rain most of the weekend, but Saturday was beautiful and yesterday was a cloudy and drizzly, bt it rained only only as were we having dinner at a great restaurant (a thunder and lightening storm actually), but it stopped by the time we had finished eating. What a great city - and so, so, so many hot, hot boyz!
Okay. Now that I have your attention, dudes, listen up. I'm heading to New York City in a couple of days. I've been before and know The City a bit, but if any of y'all have some pointers or tips on where to go, what to see, or who to do (kidding!), let me know in the comments section. Thanks!
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at prsoliloquies@gmail.com